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Past CAWA Workshops

Yampa Workshop
March 22, 2017
Summary of Deficit Irrigation Studies - Greg Peterson
Ag Water Leasing Survey - Phil Brink
"Use It or Lose It" - Kevin Rein
"Water Waste Does it Really Occur? and If So, Why Care?" - Erin Light
Trout Unlimited & Agricultural Producers: Finding Flexibility in Water - Brian Hodge

Rio Grande Workshop
February 28, 2017

IBCC/CAWA Ag Water Summit
November 29, 2016

South Platte Workshop
July 13, 2016

Gunnison Workshop
May 3, 2016
What is CAWA? - Carlyle Currier
The Gunnison Basin Roundtable - Frank Kugel
Why and How Might Agricultural Producers Use Their Water Differently? - MaryLou Smith
No Chico Brush and Irrigation Efficiency Improvements in the Basin -Perry Cabot
"Use It or Lose It" - Dick Wolfe
Ag Water Leasing Survey - Phil Brink
Water Leasing and Water Markets - Aaron Derwingson
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